20 of the Most Hilarious Coronavirus Memes I Could Find
The Coronavirus has taken over life as we know it. Every time you turn on the TV, or social media, we are inundated with COVID-19 talk. Stores are closed, restaurants are pickup or delivery only, and in New Orleans, curfew is at 5pm. With the constant reminder of the presence of COVID-19, even as we are all on house arrest, it’s simply a conversation you cannot escape.
Well, you know how the old saying goes: If you can’t beat them, join them.
The internet, or “innanet” as it’s more affectionately known, proves to be unrivaled in the comedic department. We may not have the actual cure for the Coronavirus yet, but I am happy to fulfill a prescription of laughter. Here are 20 of the most hilarious Coronavirus memes I could find, to help you get through your day.
The Quarantine Memes

Although there are things that we do need to pay attention to, the amount of coverage on COVID-19 is relentless. The nonstop articles, breaking news, and general conversations about the Coronavirus can become triggers for those of us who may suffer from more fragile mental states. Let’s remember that our loved ones who may suffer from depression, PTSD, anxiety and other mental sensitivities could use a little more compassion right now.
Share a meme, share a smile.
You may not be able to give out hugs, but an encouraging text or an unexpected letter in the mail can go a long way. There are also uplifting tips found in the Powerbank section of The Coleture. Whatever you choose to do, be kind and be considerate. Let’s make the most of our current state of affairs, and let’s do it with a little laughter. Be healthy and stay safe.
Needed a little humor right now!
The Coleture is happy to assist in finding healing in humor. We could all use some. Stay safe!