Feeling a little down every now and then is simply a part of life. There can be no happiness without sadness. But sometimes, we need a little push to improve our moods and combat the blues. Here are 5 tips for when you’re feeling low.
Redirect that sad energy into something constructive.
Begin a new project. Complete a meaningful task. Distracting yourself from wallowing in those sad feelings can definitely be a real pick-me-up, especially if you have made progress on something important or that you’ve been meaning to do.
Do something thoughtful for someone else and/or help someone in need.
A good deed always warms the heart. When you can genuinely brighten someone else’s day, that sincere happiness can instantly become contagious.
Reach out to a trusted friend, relative, or mentor.
Having a confidant in your time of need can be crucial to keeping you balanced/sane. If you feel your person cannot be of help to you, do not be afraid to reach out to a therapist.
Blast some music and sing to the top of your lungs!
A good scream never hurt anyone. Ask my two year old. He does it all the time.
Write, paint, or color.
Everyone needs an expressive hobby. Even if you suck at coloring, painting, or writing, do one of them anyway. You can get your feelings out both quickly and inexpensively. You can even write a stranger. If you need a response, you can always write in to me anonymously, and I would be glad to provide an encouraging word, should you need it. Head over to the Contact tab, leave your questions/comments and then refer to Ask The Coleture for a response or the Power Bank to recharge yourself.
Bonus: Partake in the smoking/inhaling of some cannibus sativa (if it is legal and you are of age).
*Note: Not recommended for those struggling with sobriety).*
I guarantee you that if you do at least one of the things off this list, you will experience a more positive mood change.
***if your problems are more severe and you find yourself contemplating suicide, please contact someone who can better assist your needs:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline-1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line-Text HOME to 741-741
New Orleans-504-777-3273