For quite some time, my daughter has expressed an interest in entertainment. I would say it probably started around age 4 when she asked for a YouTube Channel. I mean, she’s always had a large personality, but her dad and I were like: No! Fast forward four years later, and we learn that some kid has made $26 million via his YouTube Channel last year alone. So now, we are trying to figure out what to name hers. The Jillian Show? Just Jillian?

Since the moment she entered this world, my struggle to Quit Mommying Around
became apparent. (Pun intended). I photographed Jillian so much, she was my first real work of art. I love FASHION, so it was my pleasure to dress my Mini-Me accordingly. She didn’t have a lot of hair, so big bows and hats were my go-to, but honey, she was (and still is) fabulous! It was then that I noticed how capable she was in front of the camera.
She was a natural!
But I have to be honest. I think most parents believe their children are beautiful and that they are super smart and talented. Although I always saw potential for her entering the modeling industry, I never once actively pursued it. I can’t tell you why, really. I spent years in the fashion industry, and I was never able to break through in the way I truly wish I could’ve. Perhaps, I was subconsciously projecting my “failures” onto her. I’m not wholly sure, but I do love to take her picture, and I do believe everyone should bask in the joy and personality that is Jillian.

Anyway, a couple of months ago, while on a business trip, her dad called to inform us of an audition he found out about locally. I looked into it and decided to give it a shot. I reached out to the company putting on the audition, and they responded with interest. They sent some lines for her to learn and gave us an audition date/time. I delivered this information to Jillian almost immediately.
After giving Jillian the lines, she learned them in about 15 minutes.
I must admit, I was a bit shocked that she learned her lines so fast. Not that I didn’t think she was clever enough, but as intelligent as Jillian is, she has a tendency to procrastinate. She can also be very lazy. It’s like she’s a teenager at 8! Once I saw she had the propensity to learn lines quickly and accurately, I knew that she was truly interested in acting. And by the way she embodied the words, it was also clear that she has real talent.

From that moment forward, I made a commitment to sincerely help her achieve this goal. I think she may be built for entertainment. We forged ahead to that audition. And guess what guys: She nailed it!

We were all so proud of her and so excited at the possibilities! But those possibilities quickly turned into disappointment when we learned that the “audition holders” actually wanted us to pay thousands of dollars that day to further her career. (Please insert eye roll here). In other words, that was a hard “no.” And although she was a little down about it, I explained to Jillian that a “no” means a lot of things, but it definitely does not mean that you failed or that you have to give up on your dreams.

I want her to know rejection early, so she is able to successfully cope and navigate “no’s” in the future.
But we had now born witness to the star that she truly is. We recognized that she should really keep moving forward in pursuit of acting. So I begin to reach out to a few people, including a colleague who had recently done some work in a Ben Affleck movie being shot in New Orleans. He gave me some information to look into, and the next thing you know, she and I both became background actors.
Let the resume building begin!

I thought it was a great opportunity! She got the chance to see and experience firsthand how NOT glamorous the filmmaking process can be. The long hours, the repeating of scenes over and over again… I welcomed that because I wanted to know if her interest would fade or if she was still excited to participate. Let me just tell you now, she was the total opposite of discouraged.
With such an outgoing personality and wit, I have no doubt that Jillian will succeed at whatever she puts her mind to. Jillian is also very ambitious. We have been discussing some other business ideas, with at least one we hope to release some time next year. She also does a yearly lemonade stand, called “Jillian’s E-Z P-Z Lemon Squee-Z.” If you’re ever in New Orleans the first weekend of May, look for her somewhere on Carrollton near Oak St. She creates her own sales pitches and enjoys selling and talking to people. There’s so much more you can expect to see from this young lady. Stay tuned. The best is yet to come!
Do you have a young child interested in or involved in entertainment? If so, what has been your overall experience? Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments.
If you have any interest in working with Jillian in film, print, or other forms of media, please message me here or email and title the email, “booking.”