Business Building in 2021 and Beyond

We Want the World

Business Building in 2021 and Beyond. Image of books, computer, business cards and tools.

Business Building in 2021. My, how things have changed. Or maybe they haven’t. Maybe 2020 simply aroused sky-high motivation levels in many of us. Honestly, I’m not even sure if 2020 was the motivating factor. For me, it was just my time. I set a goal to be more intentional this year, and that is absolutely what I have been doing. Though there is still work to be done, I have made strides that even I did not see coming. When I think about building a business, I am thinking about longevity and generational wealth. Those are the thoughts that keep me going into the “beyond.”

Everyone is not meant to be a boss.

Be honest with yourself. Are you sure you want to be a business owner? It sounds very cool to say that you own a company, but the reality is, everyone cannot be a boss. Some do not possess the skill or knowhow, others do not have the interest. All of that is okay. But everyone has the capacity to be better equipped and maximize their earning potential, regardless of their respective fields or professions. For the employee, your leverage is your knowledge. Don’t you want to earn more?

Most people tell you to start your own business, but few rarely tell you how.

I always knew that owning my own businesses was the path for me. The thought of asking for permission to not come to work or have to explain why I need to leave early makes me cringe. I crave freedom, but freedom comes at its own cost. Just call me Trial & Error.  When I first got into real estate, for example, I had no clue how to actually get started. Real estate school does nothing to prepare you to run a real estate business. Real estate school is for the real estate test. Period.

When business building, one of the first things I do is take to the internet.

Reading is fundamental. I read– and I don’t just read internet articles, I also buy books. But you also have to be able to comprehend what it is you are reading. Sometimes, that can be challenging, because there is an automatic learning curve when venturing into new territory.

During my discovery phase, I research, and look into other people and companies doing similar work. My goal here is to see what they are doing, what I like/dislike about their business models, while identifying potential competitors. (This also helps me decide if this is a business I sincerely want to get into). In real estate, it’s like doing market research and preparing a comparative analysis.

Now, I’m not suggesting you do things in the exact same manner that I have. In fact, that is why we are here. “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” I am pointing out to you that I have made countless mistakes, many that cost me a pretty penny. For example–and I don’t know about you, but I frequently hear people telling others to “get their LLC.” Do you know how many LLCs exist and that’s it? Who has money to give away to the government?

Rarely do I hear those same people including in those conversations the steps necessary to correctly establish your business entity. What’s the real difference between an S-corp and a C-corp? It’s kind of like having a wedding versus having a marriage. The wedding is what everyone is telling you to have. And although weddings are nice, your wedding will not sustain your marriage.

Stay focused on Business Building in 2021 and beyond.

It can be easy to get discouraged when you are first starting out. You see some people thriving at something you want to do, and you do not even really know where to start. Stay focused.

I know a lot of people who are business owners.  When you think about it, who doesn’t? However, when starting my first company, I felt there were few people I could turn to for guidance. But that never stopped me from trying. I got snippets of information here and there, and I put it all to good use. Although some detail was left out of shared information, I was still better off than I was when I didn’t know anything. Stay focused.

No one is going to give you the entire blueprint for your business for free.

Unless you have been living under a rock with absolutely no cell phone reception whatsoever, I’m sure you have heard of the latest wave, the app called Club House. I have been on Club House for a little while now, and I must say, there is ample opportunity on there. Many people have been able to monetize and scale their businesses, others have been able to connect with people who can point them in the right direction– I mean, it is truly something that can help catapult your profession or business, if used properly.

The greatest thing about Club House is that there are a ton of people on there providing you with information.  Some are truthful, honest, and really wanting to create a pathway for others.  Some are imposters, there to feed egos and grow their Instagram followings. Like anything else on the internet, all information isn’t good information. Be mindful of that and choose your actions wisely. Still, Club House is a wonderful starting point because you can find loads of people providing value FOR FREE.

Create the framework for your business right the first time.

When it comes to owning a business, investing in yourself is without question. Time, knowledge, and money are the basic ingredients to get your business up and running. If you are just getting started, figuring out exactly what you need to do to get started successfully can be a daunting task. While I struggled to figure things out for myself, I took notes. It made me realize that I should document some of my experiences, so that I may have that knowledge to pass on.

To that end, I am currently developing a course to provide you with a step-by-step guide for the successful foundation in which to build your business.  The Business Building in 2022 and Beyond Course will clearly lay out how to start your business from A-Z. Though some of the startup information will directly correlate to Louisiana laws and customs, I recommend that you check directly with your secretary of state’s office to ensure you abide by your local practices. Still, the information included will assist you with any business anywhere in the US.

No matter what direction you choose, understand that mistakes will happen. The goal is to minimize how costly those mistakes will be. Learn some of my Dos and Don’ts in detail. In the Business Building in 2022 and Beyond Course, we will discuss business structures/entities, tax deferment opportunities, establishing business credit, real estate (of course), empowerment, and more. The course will be rolling out next year, so be sure to subscribe to and follow The Coleture, so you will be amongst the first to receive the anticipated launch date.

We are officially in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. Where are you with your goal implementation? Drop us a comment below.

Let’s Talk Real Estate: It’s Easier to Buy Than You Think

It’s easier to purchase property than you may think. Start with one foot in front of the other.  Now, go forth and be great! But seriously, don’t be afraid to “go for it.” 

If you can afford to pay rent, you can afford to buy…because you are already paying someone else’s mortgage. 

If you’re a renter, what’s stopping you from taking the plunge? For many people, the idea of purchasing a home proves overwhelming. Take a look at 5 steps that can ease your concerns and help you successfully get into your own home.

Phase 1:  Let’s Talk Credit.

Don’t be afraid to check your scores!  You get one free credit report per year from The Annual Credit Report. Use it! See what’s on there.  Be prepared to print out your results, so that you have the opportunity to comb through all that information.  (Remember you can only view it once for free). 

Be sure to dispute all incorrect information.  Try to contact the companies of any negative items recently added, to see if you can either settle the debt or set up a payment arrangement.  If any allow you to make a payment arrangement, go the next step by asking them to remove the debt negatively from your credit report, to reflect that you are actively making payments.

Note: Student loans and the IRS will ALWAYS get their money.  If you owe them (or any other government entity), make a payment plan! 

Next, check with your bank to see if they offer free credit score monitoring.  If not, sign up for Credit Karma.  It is totally free.  Credit Karma provides scores based off data from TransUnion and Equifax.  You can also dispute discrepancies directly from the site.  Credit Karma offers a few different tools that can assist you in your credit repairing journey.  You don’t NEED to pay a credit repair service to help you “fix” your credit, but of course, you can if you so choose.  Just know that you are capable of doing the work yourself…for free.

Phase 2:  Let’s Talk Debt.

Anything that you spend money on is considered debt—your regular household bills, shopping, travel, gasoline. 

Check your spending.  The banks most certainly will. 

Typically, they will go back the past 6 months of your statements when you first apply for the loan. Right before the loan is set to close, they will run your credit and check your bank statements again.  (So no major purchases)! Debt-to-Income (DTI) is extremely important, when it comes to securing a loan.  You can make “good money,” but if you spend most of it, you will likely not be approved for the amount you may really want.  Lenders could consider you too high of a risk. 

Having additional sources of income can offset the “negative” of spending. 

No matter who you are or what you do, if you don’t have it now, work towards having at least one other stream of income.  Trust me.  Rainy days will come…sometimes followed by black ice, hailstorms, earthquakes and hurricanes.  Be as prepared as possible.

Phase 3:  Let’s Talk Education.

Now that you’ve analyzed your financials, take a First-Time Homebuyers Class.  This course, typically one you will have to pay for, can be completed in a day, or over the course of a few days. (There may be some places that offer the class for free, so check with your real estate agent).

Taking classes geared towards homeownership can be beneficial in a number of ways, including providing you with the most up-to-date home-buying grants or financial assistance programs that may exist in your area. 

Phase 4:  Let’s Talk Loans.

Just because you have a bank account does not mean you should automatically apply for a home loan with that institution. 

If you’ve already chosen your real estate agent, ask them for some suggestions on lenders.  Do some homework.  Whether your agent referes you, or you find some lenders on your own, reach out to a few different lenders. I would suggest speaking with a major bank, as well as some local institutions. Ask several questions that will help you determine which lender is right for you. 

Get pre-qualified for a bank loan before you begin house hunting with your realtor. 

Even if you have an agent ready to work for you, it is best that you don’t begin shopping/searching until you at least know about how much you can afford. A pre-qualification is basically where you have a conversation with a lender and they ask you a few questions to determine what you would likely be able to afford.  Because the information they are asking for is general, this process should not affect your credit score in any way.  You should also not be providing super sensitive information, such as your social security number, during this conversation.   

Phase 5: The Final Piece to the Puzzle

In the midst of all of this, find your real estate agent. (Hello, Metro New Orleans and Metro Atlanta Home Shoppers)! Your agent doesn’t have to have a million years of experience, but you do want someone who is knowledgeable, willing to guide you in the right direction, as well as clearly communicative. Communication and comprehension is key in any type of relationship, in order for success.

Follow these tips, and hopefully, you will be moving into your new home in at least 30 days.  Drop a comment below to tell us about your experience(s) or if you have any questions. As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to share for #thecoleture!

I have not been compensated for any of the linked articles in this post. All information above comes strictly from my experiences/opinion.